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  • Writer's pictureBrodie Stephens


Best Calming Paragraphs about the power of hope, optimism, expectation and confidence.


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Brodie Stephens
Brodie Stephens
Mar 26, 2020

Hope is (or can be) different than "wishing". Wishing takes into account that the likelihood is highly improbable, and "hopes" nonetheless that what is wished for would come to pass. I "hope" I win the lottery in that way … my confidence of it actually occurring is very low, and my expectations are not dashed when it doesn't happen (every week :) ). I hope for a better tomorrow because I have experienced my own resilience, and the steadfastness of those that love me, and I have experienced the ebb and flow and cycles of life. The spring follows winter, and new growth and sunshine as the rain gives way to sunshine. That is not a wish, it …

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